Thursday, May 21, 2015

Mission Q @ Queensbay Mall Penang


After playing the online game like some kind of "escape room", "break the code", and I've been imagining about could I escape from the room if I was kidnapped in real life? Am I smart enough to break the code and escape from people who came after me?

So if you are a fan of escape game, now Mission Q is an ideal place for you to spent your leisure time. 

What is Mission Q?

Mission Q is a real escape game room in Queensbay@Penang. It come with 5 unique adventurous escape rooms, and each with its own theme. Our goal is to physically escape from the room within an hour by collecting items, identifying clues, and solving puzzles and riddles. You need to be very specific, observant, and most importantly of course teamwork. 

Throughout the game, you'll learn how to communicate and work as a team. Remember, unity is strength when there is collaboration and team work, wonderful things can be achieved. 

Last month we were all invited to attend their opening launch. Clearly this was my first time playing escape game, and I love how they design the room into a creepy and dark place. So let's do it, ARE YOU READY???

"We were trapped...."
" Is this an elevator to send us in?"
"Nope, to train you to be a cage fighter" 


The first thought we had in mind, what if we were stucked in this room for the next one hour lollll

We took 20 minutes to figure out the first task
6 peoples, 6 brains #whatashame 

5 unique escape rooms
1. Quantum
2. The Great Illusionist 
3. The missing Corpse : The Vanished
4. Internal Affairs
5. The Secret Fortune

What's inside the room?
A lot of puzzle to be solved. We were so panicked because we couldn't solve the puzzle at first, so pathetic none of us figured out the picture on the wall. Thank Mission Q for the "help" bell lolll. You can easily spot the ' help" bell inside each room to call Game Master for help. For each help,they will provide you clues and guide you to complete one puzzle :} 

Not to be cocky, we were the first team who completed the task! clap!

Not much photos taken inside the escape room because we were so busy in escaping. And you shall discover the surprise yourself. I think mission Q really smart for coming up with this exciting and unique game to interact with their customers. We enjoyed ourselves thoroughly at the event. 

Me & Shelyn

Check out our happy face. So proud of not being the last team which we were secretly afraid we would hahaha! #kiasuMalaysian

Top: H&M
Bottom: Forever 21
Sneaker: Aldo
Watch: Marc by Marc Jacobs

Mission Q

Address: 3F-21 & 2, Queensbay Mall Penang
Instagram: mission_q
Contact: 04-637067

Thank you for reading, love you all.

1 comment:

  1. looks great, i'm around queensbay area too, but i can't go since i am just a person here. sad~

    (A Growing Teenager Diary Malaysia)


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