Thursday, November 06, 2014

Hoouse Fusion White Coffee


I hope I manage to drink a cup of coffee when I am doing my work, at least one cup per day! But calculate it, how much do you need to spend in a month to order a cup of coffee everyday? So, I going to assume everybody would be very thankful if I share my favorite white coffee from Hoouse Fusion LOLLLL!

This was my first time drinking 4 in 1 instant coffee which containing coffee, sugar, creamer and fiber! By combining the finest coffee with fiber, Hoouse coffee provides a good source of digestive health benefits while delivering the taste and aroma of a truly gourmet cup of coffee.  Besides, Hoouse white coffee is made of well- chosen Arabica and Robusta coffee beans, with no flavoring additives. 

And the best thing is the sugar content only has 6g of sugar per serving, unlike many other brand the sugar content is normally 15g!  So the sweetness is just nice for me, since I dislike sweet beverage! I hope this would be your choice of coffee in the near future, as the founder himself also a doctor who advocates healthier. 

The Hoouse Coffee is designed in ziplock bag, so much convenient for me to keep my coffee instead of pouring all into a container! I've been asked by my mom's friend about how to make the coffee? That's really easy, listen up! Pour 3 big spoon of coffee powder, add on with half mug of water 160ml, stir well and it is ready to serve! 

For more info, check on their Facebook at or page at! There's a long list showing where you can purchase Hoouse White coffee!

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