Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Albert Dock @ Liverpool

These pictures were taken while I was in United Kingdom. I bought lots of cheeky outfit cause I felt it was okay to spent a little money on new pieces lol. That being said, it's not often you'll see me in this kind of boyish outfit here on the blog, I used to be more feminine in Malaysia. But I am sick of being so "lady" all the time. So I decided to go with this! Besides, casual and denim are something that never go out of style. 

I love stunning colors in sneaker- PUMA

One thing good in United Kingdom, I can always wear leather jacket with boots/sneakers which we cant make it in Malaysia due to the hot weather. I was so inspired to dress up in a different way. Wish I could go back again, I cant' wait! 

Ahhh one of my favorite Liverpool gems @ Albert Dock. This place is nearly always quiet, being a tourist can be a lot of fun. I was sitting there to enjoy the sunset, a wonderful way to spent an evening. That's was so unforgettable memories. 

Enjoy the beauty of a sunset!

"The Albert Dock is a complex of dock buildings and warehouse in Liverpool, England. It is one of the top heritage attraction, as it is home to award winning visitor attraction including the Beatless Story, International Slavery Musuem, Merseyside Maritime Musuem, and Tate Liverpool. Besides, there is a vast choice of stylish family friendly cafes, bars and restaurant."

The sky was turning dark!

 Yet you can still see the reflection in the lake!

I have thought of going back again! These places are the best overall combination of safety from crime, and peace and quiet. I love England! 

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